Louth Methodist Church
Louth Methodist Church

321 logo321

Second Friday of every month except August, 9.30am

Meets in main church. Suggested donation £2 per family

Contact: Catherine Rolph rolph@sky.com 01507 603821

321 is a monthly group for pre-school children and their parents/carers meeting in the main church. Doors open at 9.30am for refreshments. At 9.45am we gather in front of the puppet theatre with a basket of instruments for each child. We sing songs, play instruments, and listen to a story helped out by some of our fantastic puppets. This lasts from 20 to 30 minutes and then we break for refreshments, before tackling a range of craft activities, based on the stories we have just heard.

321 EXTRA 321 Extra logo

Every Friday during term time (except second Fridays—see above) 9.30am

Meets in Hall 1. Suggested donation £1 per family

Contact: Catherine Rolph rolph@sky.com 01507 603821

When it’s not 321, come to 321 EXTRA. This is a toddler group that meets in Hall 2 or in the church with a range of toys/play doh/colouring/books etc provided. Refreshments are available throughout the session. At 10.45 we gather together for some songs or a story and then finish at 11am.